Sports & Recreation Project Database

Unlock New Business Opportunities in Sports and Recreation Funding!

Did you know that over $1 trillion in grants are up for grabs annually in the U.S.? Billions of dollars are earmarked specifically for sports and recreation projects. Additional money flows to these projects via funds for infrastructure improvements. That is where SFIA and our partnership with Curate comes in to give you an “early-access” advantage.

Introducing the SFIA Sports & Recreation Project Database, a groundbreaking database of projects to give you an edge by providing information on projects at the earliest stage, often before the RFP is issued. Be the first to know about new investments in sports and recreation around the country.

“If you are looking to get an edge on your competition by finding out about potential opportunities before they even hit the market, look no further. SFIA has built a game-changing tool with the Grant Database. The tool is very well designed, easy to use and will help you be the first in the door on new projects!” – NEVCO

What sets our Database apart?

For a limited time, SFIA is offering complimentary access to the project tracker. Don’t miss out on this incredible opportunity to boost your sales and stay ahead of the competition. Sign up now for FREE access.

Fill out the form below to start tapping into this new sales resource. Please allow 2-4 business days for CURATE to send you log-in information to access the project tracker database. Once you receive access from CURATE, they will send you an email with details on how to access the database. Note: This database is free for Members for a limited time. Non-Members get a 90-day free trial.