SFIA Advocates For & Ensures Fair Representation for SFIA Members with Standards Setting Organizations
Protective equipment used in team sports at the youth, interscholastic, collegiate and professional levels must meet standards set by various organizations. SFIA works with the various standards setting bodies to insures standards are properly developed, equitable and consistently applied.
SFIA was instrumental in the creation of NOCSAE in 1969, holding two permanent seats on the NOCSAE Board of Directors. In addition to NOCSAE, SFIA is a voting member of ASTM’s F08 Committee on Standards for Sports Equipment as well as representing the industry with the NFHS and the NCAA.
Working closely with manufacturers of equipment SFIA has been able to reduce product development cost, by insuring manufacturer input into the standards process and protecting manufacturers from capricious cost increasing changes to standards. Product liability and litigation cost for manufacturers have been greatly reduced by providing standards that are promulgated by NOCSAE, ASTM and others, allowing the manufacturers to continue to provide equipment for athletes at reasonable cost.
For additional information on how SFIA can help you company with your standards organizations relationships please contact Gregg Hartley at h[email protected].