SFIA Asks President to Intervene on East Coast Port Labor Contract Talks

Washington, D.C. (Sept 17, 2024): On September 17, SFIA joined other business interests on a letter to President Biden asking the Administration to work with the International Longshoreman’s Association (ILA) and the U.S. Maritime Alliance (USMX) on resuming stalled contract negotiations as the September 30 deadline approaches. SFIA seeks to avoid any unnecessary and preventable supply chain disruptions created by a labor strike or slowdown at the East Coast Ports, which account for 43 percent of U.S. imports.

The Administration has previously helped with stalled labor talks for the West Coast Ports, Railroads, and UPS. SFIA appreciates the Administration’s previous engagement to keep supply chains operating at full capacity and implores them to do the same for East Coast Ports as the strike rhetoric ramps up. The ILA recently convened its leadership, who approved a strike if no contract agreement is reached, and launched preparations for a strike. The ILA is seeking a 77 percent pay raise; the West Coast Port Workers received a 32 percent raise in their 2023 contract and the sides remain far apart. Automation at ports is another sticking point, with the ILA wanting guarantees that union workers will not lose jobs to automation.

The USMX has stated it is prepared to return to the negotiating table, but the ILA has declined to return until better contract terms are offered. The letter seeks the Administration’s help in forcing the parties to the negotiating table to hammer out a deal and keep ports operating during contract talks.

For more information, please contact Bill Sells, SFIA SVP for Government & Public Affairs, at [email protected].

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