Monday, November 14
The SFIA Council meetings are historically held in January at the various coaches’ conventions, but a number of them will move to April 17, 2023, as part of the revised SFIA/NFHS/NCAA Scholastic Team Sports Conference. This includes Baseball/Softball, Lacrosse, Football, Volleyball, and Soccer Councils.
We are moving these Council meetings to April to provide more value and content for the various sport categories at the April meeting. The meetings will incorporate participation reports, NOCSAE updates, rules updates by the Federation and the NCAA, and content specific to the business of those sports in the scholastic environment.
The Council meetings listed above will take place on Monday, April 17th, followed by a full day of content-rich presentations focused on the scholastic team sports world on Tuesday, April 18th. We will be at the Conrad Hilton Hotel in Indianapolis, the same location as last year’s in-person conference.
Please mark the dates in your calendar right now. More information on the SFIA/NFHS/NCAA Scholastic Team Sports Conference will be available soon. We look forward to working with the NFHS and the NCAA to produce an outstanding opportunity to bring the industry together in April.
For more information or for questions, please contact [email protected].