Washington, DC, August 25, 2021 – The Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) supports Congress in recent legislation proposed to ease the challenges that U.S. companies are facing with regards to shipping during the pandemic.
The Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021, introduced by Representatives John Garamendi (D-CA) and Dusty Johnson (R-SD) earlier this month would help ease some of the ongoing challenges that importers, exporters and other supply chain stakeholders are facing. The bill includes many recommendations from the U.S. retail and transport industries to address: Service Contracts, Shipping Exchange Registry, Prohibition on Retaliation, Public Disclosure, Additional Common Carrier requirements, Increased Penalties and a Modified Complaint process.
“The disruption to shipping due to the global pandemic has put intense pressure on supply chains and led to a significant increase in shipping costs.” stated Tom Cove, President & CEO, SFIA. “It is our hope that Congressional legislation combined with Administration policies will expedite a return to normal and avoid a spike in costs of getting products to market.”
SFIA signed onto a letter sent to Congress in support of the Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021 to help improve shipping and avoid similar problems in the future. SFIA is requesting that companies who are interested in supporting the legislation sign the letter by completing this form no later than Wednesday, September 8.
For further information please contact Bill Sells, SFIA SVP of Government and Public Affairs, at [email protected].
ABOUT SFIA: The Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA), the #1 source for sport and fitness research, is the leading global trade association of manufacturers, retailers, and marketers in the sports products and fitness industry. SFIA seeks to promote sports and fitness participation, as well as industry vitality through research, thought leadership, public affairs, industry affairs and member services. For more information, please visit www.sfia.org.
Washington, DC, August 23, 2021 – The Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) sent a letter to U.S. Trade Representative Tai and Treasury Secretary Yellen urging the Administration to relaunch trade talks with China and drop some of the Section 301 Tariffs implemented under the previous Administration. SFIA joined the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, The Business Roundtable, The National Retail Federation and almost three dozen other leading business groups on the letter.
“The Tariffs on Chinese imports were restricting commerce prior to COVID-19 and the impact has worsened during the pandemic.” said Tom Cove, President & CEO of SFIA. “The Tariffs have not had the desired effect as China continues to dominate the manufacturing marketplace. Dropping or reducing these tariffs now, will help the industry and the U.S. economy recover faster.”
The business community is concerned that China is not living up to the terms of the “Phase One” trade deal, and many of the remaining trade issues still need to be addressed. The letter identifies the continued imposition of tariffs by both countries as inconsistent with the Biden Administration’s worker-centric philosophy. Additionally, these tariffs are contributing to inflation and price increases. Removal or reduction of the tariffs would ease the inflationary pressure on the U.S. economy and limit price increases.
You can view the letter sent to the administration here: https://www.uschina.org/advocacy/regulatory-comments-on-china/industry-letter-next-steps-after-phase-one
ABOUT SFIA: The Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA), the #1 source for sport and fitness research, is the leading global trade association of manufacturers, retailers, and marketers in the sports products and fitness industry. SFIA seeks to promote sports and fitness participation, as well as industry vitality through research, thought leadership, public affairs, industry affairs and member services. For more information, please visit www.sfia.org.
The Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) program is a 50 year old trade program to help countries with developing economies by eliminating US import tariffs on products made in GSP eligible countries. SFIA members are currently making products, including bags and gloves, in GSP eligible countries.
The GSP requires Congressional renewal every three years and has traditionally been approved with broad bipartisan support. The GSP expired on December 31, 2020 and while the Senate passed legislation to renew GSP in June, the House has yet to vote on GSP renewal. SFIA encourages companies interested in GSP renewal to join SFIA in signing onto letter requesting renewal of the GSP program.
PLEASE CLICK HERE to add your name to the GSP letter.
Please contact Bill Sells, SFIA SVP for Government and Public Affairs at [email protected] for additional information.
Washington, DC, July 23, 2021 – The United Stated Trade Representative (USTR) announced Friday that the U.S. will not initiate Section 301 Tariffs of up to 25 percent on Vietnamese imports in response to currency manipulation. A USTR investigation launched in October 2020 found Vietnam intervened in foreign exchange markets using excessive and one-sided policies, and practices that placed an unreasonable burden on U.S. commerce. A subsequent U.S. Department of Treasury investigation did not collaborate the USTR findings and recommended against Section 301 tariffs on Vietnamese imports. SFIA joined other business interests on a July 14 letter to the USTR opposing the use of tariffs in response to Vietnam’s currency issues.
“This is a huge relief for our industry.” Said Tom Cove, President and CEO of the Sports & Fitness Industry Association, “ At a time when almost every one of our member companies is scrambling to address multiple supply chain challenges, it is good news to take cost increases from potential new tariffs off the table. We are grateful to the Administration for listening to our concerns.”
The USTR will now rely on an agreement between the U.S. Department of Treasury and the State Bank of Vietnam to resolve the currency issues. The USTR and Treasury will monitor Vietnam implementation of its commitments under the agreement to ensure compliance and fair valuation. Should Vietnam fail to comply with the agreement, tariffs could be applied to its imports. The Federal Register notice with background on the investigations and plan going forward can be found here.
ABOUT SFIA: The Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA), the #1 source for sport and fitness research, is the leading global trade association of manufacturers, retailers, and marketers in the sports products and fitness industry. SFIA seeks to promote sports and fitness participation, as well as industry vitality through research, thought leadership, public affairs, industry affairs and member services. For more information, please visit www.sfia.org.
Representatives re-introduce PHIT Act with strong bipartisan support in support of a healthier America
SILVER SPRING, MD (May 13, 2021) – Yesterday, the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act was re-introduced in the House of Representatives as H.R. 3109. The PHIT Act aims to help Americans save money on activity-related expenses (i.e. gym membership, sports league fees, equipment, fitness classes, etc.) to lower the financial barrier that stands between many Americans and a healthy, active lifestyle. SFIA commends Congressman Ron Kind (D-WI) for his leadership on PHIT and applauds fellow Ways & Means members, Representatives Mike Kelly (R-PA), Terri Sewell (D-AL) and Darrin LaHood (R-IL) for joining Congressman Kind as original cosponsors.
“Staying active is the best preventative medicine, and it’s especially important for kids and teens as they build healthy habits,” said Rep. Ron Kind. “Unfortunately, for many families, cost can be a barrier to participating in physical activities and youth sports. The PHIT Act is a commonsense way to invest in a healthy future for our children by making it more affordable for families to ensure physical activity is a regular part of their lives.”
COVID has had a major impact on activity as many youth sports were cancelled and health clubs have largely been shuttered during the pandemic. Ironically, the less active you are, the likelihood of experiencing more severe COVID outcome is greater, should you contract the disease. This is not surprising, as sedentary people have a higher incidence of the underlying conditions that contributed to hospitalizations, such as obesity, cardiovascular disease and diabetes.
It’s clear that active people are healthier, and the pandemic highlighted the threat posed by the inactive population. In order to lower healthcare spending, we must get more people active in the U.S. and the PHIT Act will provide an incentive to get kids back on the field, court or rink and adults into gyms and fitness classes. The financial burden of participation is rests heavy on many families across the country. The PHIT Act is the right approach to help America recover physically and mentally, not only as we emerge from the pandemic, but for better health for generations to come.
“Activity in America has suffered during COVID and we have seen an increase in both physical and mental health issues because of it,” said SFIA CEO & President, Tom Cove. “Poor health in the sedentary population is not news but the pandemic has emphasized the importance of activity in a healthy lifestyle as inactive people had far worse outcomes and put more strain on our healthcare system. We commend Congressmen Kind, Sewell, Kelly and LaHood for their leadership on the PHIT Act, to promote health by lowering the cost of activity.”
For more information on the PHIT Act, please visit www.PassPHIT.org.
ABOUT SFIA: The Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA), the #1 source for sport and fitness research, is the leading global trade association of manufacturers, retailers, and marketers in the sports products and fitness industry. SFIA seeks to promote sports and fitness participation, as well as industry vitality through research, thought leadership, public affairs, industry affairs and member services. For more information, please visit www.sfia.org.
Youth sports, health clubs, personal trainers & outdoor recreation organizations join SFIA in promoting consumer-driven economic stimulus
SILVER SPRING, MD (July 14, 2020) – In response to the economic damage, caused by COVID-19, on the active lifestyle industry, the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) is launching a campaign to promote the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act (H.R.1679/S.680) as consumer-driven economic stimulus. SFIA joins its active lifestyle partners in the youth sports, health & fitness and outdoor recreation arenas in pushing for the inclusion of PHIT in the next COVID relief package. The campaign will include three components: outreach to congress by SFIA members and others, a social media campaign around #PassPHIT4_____ and a virtual advocacy day on July 22, 2020 hosting virtual meetings with congress.
Youth sports, health clubs, fitness studios and much of outdoor recreation were early casualties of the economic shutdown and stay-at-home orders. Under the circumstances, many of these businesses and organizations are struggling to survive in an ever-changing COVID landscape. Ironically, the active population has far better prognoses and are at lower risk of experiencing the more severe symptoms of COVID-19 than the inactive population. With the additional strain COVID-19 has placed on our healthcare system, it is critical to promote health and physical activity; and without the active lifestyle industry, the American population will suffer.
PHIT would incentivize health by providing a 12 to 35 percent discount on physical activity expenditures through the use of pre-tax medical accounts. Youth sports costs, health club dues, outdoor recreation fees, sports and fitness equipment, and other expenses directly related to active lifestyles would be eligible for payment using an HSA or FSA. Currently, HSA/FSA account holders can pay for treatment of disease with their pre-tax money, but not for prevention via physical activity. PHIT is widely bipartisan, with more than 100 supporters in congress, split evenly along party lines.
Similar to the hospitality industry, the Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) does not help the active lifestyle industry, due to the payroll requirements for loan forgiveness. The industry relies on seasonal employees and part-time help to run leagues, tournaments, outdoor adventure expeditions, fitness classes, competitions and other forms of physical activity and recreation. Encouraging investment in these industries will help sustain them in short term and provide a platform for a healthier America moving forward.
The youth sports industry is promoting “The COVID-19 Youth Sports and Family Relief Act” (H.R.7562) to address the PPP problem using participation rates for forgiveness. The bill includes the PHIT Act to help families with youth sports costs as the country emerges from COVID. Youth sports is the foundation for active lifestyles and crucial to the future health in America. SFIA is coordinating with youth sports and other active lifestyle industries on a social media campaign during July as part of the PHIT advocacy effort. For more information on PHIT and the campaign to include PHIT in COVID stimulus, please visit www.PassPHIT.org.
SFIA hosts 21st annual National Health Through Fitness Day in Washington, DC
SILVER SPRING, MD (Feb. 17, 2020) – On March 11, 2020, the Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA) will be hosting the annual National Health Through Fitness Day to promote the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act. The PHIT Act, which allows Americans to use pre-tax dollars to pay for physical activity-related expenses, will help to reduce the financial barrier that stands between many Americans and an active, healthy lifestyle. This year, SFIA will be joined by celebrity athletes, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM), sports and fitness industry executives, and other physical activity advocates, to discuss the importance of focusing on means of preventive care, not just treatment. Physical activity has been proven to decrease risk of chronic disease, obesity and other costly ailments that are causing astronomical healthcare expenses for our country.
In 2020, National Health Through Fitness Day takes on added significance due to the success it has seen over the past few years. Cosponsors signed on at a record pace in 2019 after the House passed PHIT in 2018 and the Senate took steps to streamline movement of PHIT at the end of the year. Just last week, PHIT advocates met with the Chairman of the Lead Congressional Tax Writing Committee to promote PHIT, and it was raised directly to Treasury Secretary Mnuchin at a Senate hearing. There is great momentum behind PHIT and on National Health Through Fitness Day, we will push for PHIT’s inclusion in a bipartisan healthcare package scheduled for a vote in May.
SFIA plans to build on this momentum to garner as much support for PHIT as possible to ensure passage during this congressional term. With the help of professional athletes, including Herschel Walker (Heisman Trophy Winner), Steve Garvey (World Series Champ), Santana Moss (NFL Pro Bowl Player), Kylie Ohlmiller (1stOverall WPLL & UWLX Draft Pick), Paul Rabil (2x MLL MVP), Eric Byrnes (Former MLB Player and ESPN Analyst), Brenda Martinez (2x Olympian), Andrew Ference (Stanley Cup Winner), Kyle Harrison (Tewaaraton Trophy Winner), Ken Harvey (4x NFL Pro Bowl Player) and John Booty (Former NFL Player), SFIA PHIT supporters will speak to the far-reaching, lifelong benefits of an active lifestyle. PHIT is a popular, bipartisan healthcare improvement bill, and we are eager to spread the message.
To learn more about the PHIT Act and SFIA’s National Health Through Fitness Day, click here.
SILVER SPRING, MD (Dec. 13, 2019) – President Trump has agreed to a limited trade deal with China, putting a stop to the additional tariffs on $156 billion of Chinese-made goods, including footwear and apparel, that were set to go into effect on Sunday. Also in this agreement, existing tariffs on about $360 billion of Chinese-made goods will be cut in half.
In exchange, China has agreed to purchase $50 billion worth of agricultural goods in 2020; however, if China does not follow through on their end, all original tariff rates will be reimposed.
“While, so far, nothing official has been published, these reports indicate very good news,” said SFIA President and CEO, Tom Cove. “If List 4B China tariffs do not go into effect on Sunday, American consumers, young athletes and active individuals across the country will greatly benefit. These tariffs have negatively impacted the sport and health industry, and we are hopeful that this trade agreement comes to fruition.”
SFIA continues to monitor these deliberations closely and will inform its members immediately as new developments take place.
The U.S. and China negotiated this deal within the last week, and is currently pending a final agreement from China.
ABOUT SFIA: The Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA), the #1 source for sport and fitness research, is the leading global trade association of manufacturers, retailers, and marketers in the sports products and fitness industry. SFIA seeks to promote sports and fitness participation, as well as industry vitality through research, thought leadership, public affairs, industry affairs and member services. For more information, please visit www.sfia.org.
100th member of Congress signs on to bipartisan bill incentivizing active lifestyles
SILVER SPRING, MD (Dec. 12, 2019) – On Dec. 5, Congressman Cedric Richmond (D-LA) became the 100th cosponsor of the Personal Health Investment Today (PHIT) Act. The bill, which allows Americans to use HSAs and FSAs to pay for activity-related expenses, has garnered strong bipartisan support in the House (44D-43R) and Senate (5D-8R) since it was introduced in March 2019. Congressmen Ron Kind (D-WI) and Mike Kelly (R-PA) serve as the lead sponsors of the PHIT Act in the House and Senators John Thune (R-SD) and Chris Murphy (D-CT) are leading the effort in the Senate.
Rep. Cedric Richmond is an advocate for healthy, active lifestyles, always leading by example. As a father and star pitcher of the Congressional Baseball team, the MVP is intent on making activity more affordable for individuals and families across the nation.
“It is very fitting to have Rep. Cedric Richmond as the 100th congressional cosponsor of the PHIT act,” said Bill Sells, Senior Vice President of Government Relations and Public Affairs at the SFIA. “His leadership both on the field and in congress speak to the positive impact sports have had on his life. His support of the PHIT act will create increased opportunities for future generations to enjoy the benefits of active lifestyles.”
Promoting active lifestyles is increasingly important as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) released a new study last week, “Prevalence of Prediabetes Among Adolescents and Young Adults in the United States, 2005-2016,” warning Americans that prediabetes is on the rise. The report stated that 18 percent of teenagers and 24 percent of young adults had prediabetes, putting them at risk for developing Type II diabetes and other chronic conditions.
“The prevalence of prediabetes in adolescents and young adults reinforces the critical need for effective public health strategies that promote healthy eating habits, physical activity, and stress management,” said CDC Director, Robert Redfield. With over a quarter of the population reportedly inactive, it is increasingly important that the government passes legislation that assists our nation in taking a big step forward in improving physical health and overall healthcare spending.
ABOUT SFIA: The Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA), the #1 source for sport and fitness research, is the leading global trade association of manufacturers, retailers, and marketers in the sports products and fitness industry. SFIA seeks to promote sports and fitness participation, as well as industry vitality through research, thought leadership, public affairs, industry affairs and member services. For more information, please visit www.sfia.org.
President Trump announces verbal agreement to suspend additional tariffs
SILVER SPRING, MD (October 14, 2019) – On Friday, October 11, President Trump announced that he had reached a trade pact with China. While there is no official agreement, the president has retreated from his plan to increase List 3 tariffs from 25 to 30 percent on October 15. List 3 tariffs will remain at 25 percent until further notice.
In his announcement, President Trump reported that China has agreed to purchase $40 billion to $50 billion more in agricultural products from the U.S. The Chinese asked the U.S. to pull back on List 4B tariffs of 15 percent, scheduled to go into effect on December 15, but the U.S. has not made any comment on that.
“SFIA looks forward to seeing the final agreement in writing to glean a greater understanding of the current trade situation,” stated Tom Cove, SFIA President and CEO. “In the interim, we are hopeful that both sides will continue to communicate and work in good faith toward a resolution to this tariff war.”
SFIA filed List 3 exclusion petitions on September 30 seeking relief on specific products and will be doing the same for List 4 products once the process is announced.
ABOUT SFIA: The Sports & Fitness Industry Association (SFIA), the #1 source for sport and fitness research, is the leading global trade association of manufacturers, retailers, and marketers in the sports products and fitness industry. SFIA seeks to promote sports and fitness participation, as well as industry vitality through research, thought leadership, public affairs, industry affairs and member services. For more information, please visit www.sfia.org.