East Coast Port Labor Unions Unanimously Support October 1 Strike

Washington, D.C. (Sept 6, 2024): Almost 300 unions representing port workers from Maine to Texas met yesterday to discuss current labor contract negotiations and reaffirm their demands. The International Longshoreman’s Association (ILA) is seeking an 80 percent increase in wages and concessions on the use of automation at the ports. At the conclusion of the two-day meetings, ILA’s Wage Scale Delegates from the 13 port areas in negotiations with the United States Maritime Alliance (USMX), voted unanimously to support a strike beginning October 1.

After sharing an update on Contract negotiations, ILA President Harold Dagget called for the October 1 Strike, saying “…if we are without a Master Contract to replace the current one, we must be prepared if we have to hit the streets at 12:01 AM on Tuesday, October 1st”. ILA EVP Dennis Daggett laid out the union’s Stike Mobilization plan for ports to help unions plan for a potential strike.

The USMX and ILA have not met to discuss the new contract in more than a month and both sides filed a “Notice to Mediation Agencies with the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service (FCMS)” to alert them of the dispute between the parties. USMX remains committed to reaching an agreement with the ILA unions and hopes to re-open dialogue with the dockworkers to discuss contract demands.

SFIA is working with business interests to engage the Administration in the dispute to avoid a strike and unnecessary disruptions in supply chains at the end of the month.

For more information, please contact Bill Sells, SFIA SVP for Government & Public Affairs, at [email protected].

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